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Tech Connect是你获得学士学位的纽带

你为获得技术教育证书而努力学习. They shouldn’t disappear when you attend a university. Enter Snow College. 作为犹他州唯一一所 提供学位和技术培训,我们了解您的技术教育 is 应该认真对待. 等你转到斯诺,我们会带走你的 技术教育学分,并将其用于你的副学士学位. That could take 最多减少一年的学习时间,为你节省时间和金钱. Upon 毕业后,您的雪学院副学士学位将无缝衔接 你去了这个州的任何一所大学.

Apply Now

在校园或网上,转让你的技术证书有很多好处 to Snow College.

  • 州内学费最低
  • 近80%的学生获得奖学金,经济援助,或两者兼而有之
  • 小班授课,教授们对你的成功充满热情
  • 技术教育课程和证书申请科学副学士学位 or Art degree (A.S. or A.A.)
  • 我们和犹他州的每一所公立大学都有转学协议 an A.S. or A.A. 在斯诺,你将准备好在任何四年制学校攻读学位
  • 你的技术学院学分没有截止日期. Whether you are 17 或者77岁,我们会拿走你的学分,帮助你实现目标!
  • Access to free tutoring, 24/7
  • 需要复习数学或英语? 也许这不是你的菜? We’ve got you. 斯诺提供发展性写作和数学课程来帮助你完成每一步 of the way.
  • 我们的顾问将与每个学生一起制定个性化的教育计划


  • 向教授我们面对面课程的经验丰富的教授学习
  • 灵活的工作时间安排
  • 学术专家团队帮助您浏览注册,奖学金和 financial aid

On Campus

  • 全州最低的校内和校外住房成本
  • 大多数住房都在步行即可到达校园的范围内
  • 学生活动-舞蹈,绘画之夜,主题免费食物之夜,等等
  • 俱乐部-超过30个学生俱乐部可供选择. Don’t see one you like? Grab your friends and start a new one!
  • 体育运动——为你最喜欢的球队加油,或者参加校内运动会
  • 制作-我们屡获殊荣的音乐,戏剧和舞蹈部门提供表演 throughout the year

Transfer Paths


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
BUS 1010 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting 3
BUS 1020 计算机技术及应用 3

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
CIS 1125 IT Essentials 4
CS 1400 Programming Fundamentals 3
CS 1410 Object-Oriented Programming 3
MATH 1210 Calculus I 5

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements

CBE options are available. Contact Academic Advising.

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
Another option coming soon

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
MATH 1210 Calculus I 5
MATH 1220 Calculus II 4
ENGR 1400 Programming Fundamentals 3
MATH 2040 Applied Statistics 4

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
Another option coming soon

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements


Available Courses Credits
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
HIST 1500 Ancient World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 US History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements

Options coming soon.

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3


  • 把你的技术教育学分转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行
  • 如果需要,利用我们的发展性数学和英语课程
  • Complete your general education classes
  • 完成专业的先决条件
  • 如果需要更多的学分,任何额外的课程将计入选修学分. 探索一个爱好,深入研究你喜欢的学科,或者参加额外的课程 在你的研究领域里有一两个. (和你的学术顾问谈谈,或者找一些章节 以“no”开头的搜索,查找所有在线选项.)

Transfer Credit



注意:低于1000的课程不计入所需的60学分 an A.S. degree.

Available Courses Credits
MATH 0700 Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 0800 Beginning Algebra 4
MATH 0850 Math Literacy 4
MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra 4
Available Courses Credits
ENGL 0980 Writing Basics 3

Online A.S. Major Requirements

Options coming soon.

Online General Education


Note: Categories with a Not required 从2025年秋季开始,毕业典礼将不再需要徽章.

American Institutions

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
HIST 1700 American History 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
MATH 1060 Trigonometry 3
English 1

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3
English 2

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing 3
Fine Arts

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
ART 1010 视觉艺术导论 3
COMM 1020 Public Speaking 3
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music 3
THEA 1013 Survey of Theatre 3
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film 3

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
COMM 1010 Introduction to Communication 3
COMM 1500 Introduction to Mass Media 3
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 2360 当代世界文学 3
ENGL 2460 African American Literature 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Life Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1010 General Biology 3
BIOL 1420 Environmental Biology 3
HFST 1020 营养学的科学基础 3
Physical Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry 4
CHEM 1350 Forensic Science 3
GEO 1010 Survey of Geology 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
Natural Science Lab

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BIOL 1425 Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHEM 1015 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1115 Elementary Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 1355 Forensic Science Lab 1
GEOG 1005 Physical Geography Lab 1
Social Science

Choose one (1) course

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1210 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
CJ 1010 刑事司法概论 3
COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2150 Intercultural Communication 3
ECON 2010 微观经济学概论 3
GEOG 1300 世界各地的人和地方 3
HFST 1500 Human Development 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 United States History to 1877 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
PSY 1100 Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology 3
Integrated Explorations

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
Any additional GE class 3

Choose one (1) course Not required

Available Courses Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3

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Tiffanie Baker

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网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行发现优质教育和可负担性的完美结合. 我们自豪地为您提供无缝转学选择,包括您的技术教育 课程,这样你就可以在你期望的时间内有效地完成你的学位. 拥抱轻松过渡到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,在这里你的学术之旅是我们的首要任务, 我们致力于帮助你茁壮成长,充分发挥你的潜力.

Apply Today!

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